Marvin Double Hung Window Jamb Carrier Tracks and Balances?

Is this something I can do myself?

QUESTION:  Marvin Double Hung Window Jamb Carrier Tracks/Balances - is this something I can do myself?
Question from a Single Woman in Zip Code 20001 Asks? - Can I do my own window jamb carrier track parts replacements?


ANSWERS:  Old, Marvin double-hung windows - can be the largest source of drafts and energy loss in your older home if built before 1980's. Replacing even a modest Marvin double-hung window may cost as much as $1250, but it can be renovated for a fraction of the cost using a jamb liner or new jamb carrier track system. Years of opening and closing, the settling of the house and effects of the weather take their toll on a window, the wood sashes, the weatherstrip parts, the jamb balances, the meeting rail weatherstripping, bottom stile and sill stop seals and more. Although these damages were done to the windows over years - the renovations take only a couple of hours per window. SEE OUR YOUTUBE VIDEO CHANNEL -